Piercetown Volunteer Fire Department was founded in 1965 as the thirteenth station in the Anderson County Fire Department. The department was charged with protecting and serving the Piercetown and surrounding communities. The station consists of five single-bays that house our Apparatus, Officer work-spaces, equipment storage rooms, kitchen, TV lounge, and meeting rooms. Piercetown Fire Department is not staffed full-time, therefore firefighters respond to the station when dispatched for an incident.


Our Siren

Ever wondered why you’ll hear a loud siren from time-to-time when you are near the fire department? At the top of Station #13 you’ll find a red Federal Signal Model 2 that sounds when Piercetown Firefighters are dispatched to an incident, during weekly pager tests, and during tornado drills and emergencies. The siren was installed to alert firefighters of incidents as well as the greater public during emergencies before the widespread adoptions of radios and pagers in the fire industry. We are one of a handful of stations within Anderson County that still use our siren, and we consider this distinguishing siren a part of our rich heritage. Below is a video of our siren in action from a few years ago.